I just got off the phone with my hubby not too long ago. We started out with multiple calls that were a couple minutes each. Eventually we had a real conversation. This is his long day & he'll be going back to working nights. His last email account is no longer an option. He didn't say they had a new one, so I'll wait to see if he writes from it.
Here in Georgia there was quite a lot to juggle in a week. I guess I should be used to it--seems to have always been the case. (: Some of our week included car appts (and near future appts to set up), Father's day planning, fixing our internet situation, getting air fare & many on-going daily/weekly cleaning, errands, outings, meetings etc. We're having an Enrichment conference toward the end of the month so that will add to this coming week. I'm happy to say we did have some time to talk to friends & family and go to the gym. Troy (one of E's friends--refer to Easter pics) is having a play date with Ethan on Tuesday. His mom wanted to give me a couple hours to myself. What a sweet, wonderful, lovely girl!!! I'm not sure if I'm exuding stress (: or she really wants her son to be more social as she said. hmm I shared with Anthony a few of E's moments..all just in a few hours time...Rita & I had nursery duty since no one arrived who was assigned for the day. Usually Ethan is into the singing time but he & Josh both acted out since their moms were there. He ran to the stand (eventually) on a trip through our fast and testimony meeting. (Yes, we're clearly the reverent family). This was after coming back from changing him. At this point he was mad b/c Josh had left the building. Needless to say, we rarely make it through all 3 hours. After getting home and eating, he locked himself in Jersey's room. Thankfully he could be talked through unlocking it. I was dreading taking another door knob apart. He is fun & definitely keeps things more interesting to say the least. We love you, have a good week.
Well, not 'getting air fare' sadly..but buying plane tickets. (:
All I can say is that he is his father's son. How funny, although I am sure you didn't see it as so while you were living through all of it. Tell Anthony Hi for us next time you get to talk to him.
His father's son indeed. When Dad took Anthony out of Sacrament for being disruptive, Anthony yelled, "Bishop save me!!"
Chelsea, it's good to see pictures of you~
Too too cute. These are the special memories that will keep you giggling for years to come. Isn't motherhood fun?! :) I'm glad that you got to talk with your sweetheart too. AND I second Brents' comment that it is good to see pics of you as well. Thanks for the updates Chelsea. Love from Texas.
I am so sad that I missed a phone call from Anthony this week. I answered the phone on the last ring when he hung up which made me so sad. At least he left a message, though it truly wasn't the same.
I am really grateful the two of you get to talk weekly to endure the distance a little better.
Once again thank you for the updates.
Love momma d.
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