Singing, very sad I must say.
Eating cake and ice cream, then watching him open his presents. Toy Story is one of his favorite movies and ended up being the theme of many of his gifts.
Which he didn't seemed to mind , and thanked everyone for his gifts.
Even Parker enjoyed being festive for the party, and surprised Grampa Morse with a special treat, well maybe not so special. I love the captured action shot as well as a surprised look on grampa's face.
We closed the evening with watching one of his gifts, Monsters Inc. I'm not sure if that was the best choice that late, but he didn't seem bothered come time for bed, which he got to sleep over night in with grama and grampa Morse. We enjoyed our slumber party on the Friday night before Marilyn and Dave arrived.
After Anthony, Chelsea and Parker went home it was fun to put Buzz Light year puzzle together. I'm not sure who got the bigger kick out of it, Ethan or the grandpa's.
Either way it was a mission accomplished, and a fun evening.
parker has the funniest expressions. I love it.
A very happy birthday indeed! So glad y'all got to celebrate with Ethan. What a fun memory it'll be for him looking back. ;-)
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