Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Day

Since Mom DeRoest was in California for Christmas we waited until New Years Day to have the DeRoest dinner gathering.
It was a time for a delicious ham dinner, then family fun. Last year it was decided that we should have everyone bring a $ 10. - $15.00 gift wrapped, then we each drew a number in which we could go pick out a gift, or take one that had been opened. That can sometimes create a stir, but everyone seemed to be good-natured and had a fun time.

Like any other family gathering we had an over kill of desserts. Most of which I brought to get them out of our house. Not the best thing to bring where so many are diabetic, but the hope was that the right people would make them disappear.
Bobby & Natessa didn't come down from Madras with the boys this year, so we missed them, however Jessica had her boyfriend & his son with her. Both seemed very nice, and social. Randy Sr. came, however wasn't feeling too well so left early to go home. The rest of the boys were there with girlfriends or friends.

Zack got a little insight of the family with this being his first time meeting some .

It wasn't a late night, no-one wanted to tire mom out any more than what she was, but all
seemed to have a great time.
We hope all had a fund weekend and that this New Year is filled with many blessings and miracles in your lives.

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