Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Double Blessings have arrived.

Today Wednesday Aug. 29th, 2012 our baby became a father, and was blessed with two beautiful twin girls.
Zoe Lenore DeRoest (A) weighed 4 lbs. 7 oz., 17" tall,  made her appearance at 5:30pm.
Ginnivive Marie DeRoest  (B)
weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz., 17" tall, and made her appearance at 5:32 pm.
 Both Rodney and Lauren couldn't be any happier to have so many blessings enter into their lives. 
 As you can see all are doing wonderful.
 It is hard to believe that Rodney at 4lbs 6 oz. in this picture has made the full circle in life,                        and now welcoming in, little ones of his own.             What a wonderful family's first photo.  
 Our joy is overflowing.


Mrs. Jones said...

So happy for you! Love their names~

nanadover said...

Holy Smokes! I forgot that Rodney was that small! Hard to imagine that both his daughters weighed in larger than just one of him weighed. I can certainly see the resemblance! XOXOXO